Wednesday, 1 April 2020

AtoZ2020 - A is for All About ... #AtoZChallenge

Virginia Waytes' Sexy Stories - AtoZChallenge 2020 - A

AtoZChallenge 2020

Hello Lovelies๐Ÿ’–, and welcome to the first day of my AtoZ journey. A is for "All About" and this is an introduction to me and everything I will be talking about in much more details for this month.

A is for All About...

Virginia Waytes

My name is Virginia and I am the naughtier alter ego of author Natasha Duncan-Drake, who you may have met on the AtoZ before. I have been moulded into existence to create and narrate my Sexy Stories podcast and the books that go with it. ๐Ÿ˜„

When I am around you will likely see roses because I seek to leave a delightful memory, like a lovely scent, with my passing.๐Ÿ’–
Virginia Waytes written over an images of roses.

The Podcast & Books

The podcast will be launching the first proper episode next Tuesday (7th) so make sure to check back then.

But what is it about I hear you ask. Sexy Stories is a paranormal erotic fiction podcast, where I narrate the delightfully naughty (and exciting) adventures of Lucy Smythe and her supernatural friends at the members-only, adult country club, The Manor.

Think of it like a television show, with 12 episodes a season. Each episode has self contained elements with an arc running through all the episodes as well to bring us to an exciting season climax (definitely not the only climax either, if you know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜‰).

Virginia Waytes' Sexy Stories - The Manor - Season 1 Episode 1
Example of Podcast episode art

While each podcast episode will have all the deliciously naughty parts and a summary of plot points, the Books will have all the background and deeper plot details to enhance the universe and the characters and give the complete picture.
Virgiina Waytes - A Lamb in Wolf's Clothing - Book Cover
Example of The Manor Book Covers

During April I intend to introduce you all to my characters, their lives, their species and the place they call home: The Manor itself.

Please do leave me a comment with a link if you are particiapting in the AtoZ as well. It is always such fun to meet new people. If you're at a loss as to what to say, feel free to use the question below as inspiration, but don't feel you have to answer it. ๐Ÿ’–

Q. Do you enjoy erotic fiction? What do you like/dislike about it?

For me I find that I am much more focused on the sensual elements rather than the mechanics. If sex is written more along the lines of tab A in slot B it is a complete no-no for me.

My other self (Natasha Duncan-Drake) is also taking part in this years AtoZChallenge over at Tasha's Thinkings. Her theme is Vampire Drabbles (100 word stories). A is for Attack

 AtoZChallenge Master List
Click here to see all the other wonderful bloggers taking part.


  1. I have not dabbled much in erotic fiction before, either as reader or writer, but I'm really curious about all the people in this Manor! :)
    Happy A to Z!

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. I hope you enjoy finding out about them this month ๐Ÿ’– - they are definitely ... colourful.๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. To your question:

    I find that I'm not particularly interested in erotic fiction if the point of said fiction is the sex. A story that revolves around the mechanics, the sighs and moans, the fleshy bits... Yeah, no thanks.

    On the other hand: If the plot of the story revolves around a mystery (or adventure, or whatever) and I am invested in the characters... And if said characters get up to a little hanky-panky... Well, then. THAT, I enjoy. :)

    Some of Linda Howard's books (Cry No More, for example) and many of Jayne Ann Krentz's are shelved as 'romance' for example, but in actuality they are more along the lines of mystery/suspense, with (relate-able, invest-able) characters who happen to have a sex life, the details of which are occasionally included. :)

    1. I must admit, I am in agreement, most of the time I need plot to interest me, although, I have been known to enjoy fanfiction PWP (Plot What Plot) - although that is likely because I already know the characters. As with most genres of fiction, I find that it all depends on the individual story.

      Thank you for the recommendations, I shall take a look at them.

  3. I haven't read or listened to erotic fiction, but I really like your idea of introducing your characters during April! Also, kudos for keeping up with two blog during the challenge :-).

    1. Thank you. I have to admit I chose a simpler format for my alter-ego to make it a little easier. ๐Ÿ’–

  4. Hey Virginia! Nice to meet you. I love erotic fiction, especially when supernatural beings are involved, and I'm always on the lookout for new podcasts to enjoy, so I'll be following yours for certain. Can't wait to see what you have for the rest of the challenge. :D

    1. Thank you so much ๐Ÿ’– I very much look forward to reading your posts too.

  5. I love erotic fiction! (I better, since I write it!) Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to learning more about The Manor!

    J. R. Vincente's Erotic Fiction Blog

    1. It is rather a pre-requisit isn't it ๐Ÿ˜‚. Thank you, and I look forward to your posts too.

  6. Hi, Virginia, and Happy A-Z! This sounds like an interesting take on the challenge. I'll stop by again to meet more of your characters.

    1. Thank you - I very much hope you enjoy my posts.

  7. I'm not really a fan of fiction, erotic or otherwise. I kind of burned out on it a while back. I had a Kindle and would buy books for it, and some of the writers did a poor job of editing their stuff. The problem with self-publishing is that the author loses sight of things like grammar, punctuation, spelling and will publish something before it's really ready...

    1. I have found in my experience that it can be swings and roundabouts - I have read some fantastic indie books and some terrible ones, just as I have read some fantastic trad books and some terrible ones, especially when it comes to eBooks. Some big name publishers did not do well when converting their books to eBooks and don't even get me started on how annoying DRM is. These days the issue I have is signal to noise and the problem of people gaming the system, which is sad.

  8. Looking forward to this and your podcast. Will have to bookmark it!����

  9. Sounds like you're having fun (and doing a great job and building an audience!). Mm, I'm with you on erotic fiction being more about the sensual than the rest.

    1. I am having fun, thank you. Hopefully the audience will grow ๐Ÿคž.
      Thank you for dropping by. ๐Ÿ’–

  10. A pleasure to meet you, Virginia / Natasha. Looking forward to reading your stories.

  11. I read a lot of historical romance novels as a teen and kind of got burned out on it. I know erotica is different. I have read Anais Nin and enjoyed it. It will be interesting to learn about your characters.

    1. Thank you - I hope you enjoy finding out about them as much as I have creating them.

  12. I do enjoy erotic fiction and I'm looking forward to your podcast. As I am to learning more about the Manor and it's inhabitants. Happy A-to-Z ing.


Welcome Lovelies, please do drop me a comment, I would love to hear from you. P.S. Comments are moderated, just to make sure nasty things do not end up on the blog.

Sexy Stories 43 - The Manor s02e12 - Dragon Dance: Let This Be Our Last Battleground

The Sexy Stories Podcast 43 The Manor s02e12 Dragon Dance: Let This Be Our Last Battleground Greetings, Lovelies. It has arrived - the...