Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Sexy Stories 13 - The Manor s01e12 - Balance of Power - Season 1 Finale

Sexy Stories 13 - The Manor s01e12

The Sexy Stories Podcast 13

The Manor s01e12

Balance of Power: Magical Healing

Hello, Lovelies 💖. We've made it, this week we have the exciting finale of The Manor Season 1. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey of fantasy, sensuality and discovery.

Of course, this is not goodbye, the Sexy Stories podcast will continue while the Manor takes a season break, but never fear, it will be back later in the year with more sexy and thrilling adventures, and I very much hope you will love the other stories I have lined up for you as well. The odd standalone story for The Manor may appear as well, so keep your eyes peeled.
  • Check out the episode of the Sexy Stories podcast for all the naughty bits narrated by Virginia
  • Pick up your copy of the companion eBook for all the exciting plot that just won't fit in the podcast, as well as all the naughty bits too.
Many thanks go to everyone who purchases a copy of this week's book, it really helps us keep going and it will give you all the juicy plot details we can only summarize in the podcast. Each is only 99c. And don't forget the first book is permanently free - see the bottom of the post for details.


Sexy Stories Podcast

Sexy Stories 13 - The Manor s01e12
The bonds on Josh's magic have been blown apart, condemning him to madness or death. Only Lucy, using her intersex form, Pippa, Gerry and the whole of the werewolf pack working together might give him a chance.

Transcript available at the Transcripts page.

Please be aware, the Podcast has ADULT content.Do not press play unless you wish to hear it.

Companion eBook

All the extra plot we couldn't fit in the podcast.

The Manor s01e12 - Balance of Power: Magical Connections

Balance of Power

Magical Connections

The Manor s01e12

Josh is back at The Manor, but is he safe? There is still the magic bound inside him to deal with and there is the question of where his uncle's dark witch disappeared to and what she will do next. Danger still looms.

Amazon Kindle Smashwords Apple Books Kobo Nook Google Play

The Manor

Book 1 - A Lamb in Wolf's Clothing 

For those who are new to the podcast and eBooks and don't have it yet,

as a gift from me to you, Book 1 of The Manor is a FREE download for all readers.

Get it from all the major online retailers, including Amazon (usually)

Luciana Smythe, Lucy to her friends, owns and runs The Manor, an adult only establishment nestled in the heart of the English Countryside, specifically designed for fun and games of the sexy, X-rated kind. What makes it unique are the residents, supernatural beings hiding in plain sight. Some, like Lucy, a vampire-succubus hybrid, are very powerful paranormal creatures. Others need The Manor's protection.

The Manor takes in strays and those with nowhere else to go, and Lucy's latest lost sheep is a young werewolf, Joshua, on the run from his own pack. Inside The Manor's walls await a new pack, safety, and possible romance, but first Lucy needs to make sure this asylum seeker is what he appears to be and poses no danger to the rest of her found-family.

Amazon Kindle Smashwords Apple Books Kobo Nook Google Play

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